Benefits of Oregon:
Guaranteed applicability of scope – you get what you most need first.
- Guaranteed on-time delivery – it’s done when it’s supposed to be done. Other companies will give you an “estimate” and in our experience these estimates are often two or three times off. That means in the end you pay the bill, and get the product late, incomplete, flawed or not at all. This means a significant loss of ROI.
- Guaranteed on-budget delivery – pricing on individual functionalities is agreed upon beforehand and will not be exceeded, same argument as above.
- Guaranteed high quality software and design – quality controls like acceptance and unit testing measures built by seasoned experts.
- Flexible and adaptive process – built to accommodate changes in your organization. We accommodate learning into our process: we realise there is no-one who knows more about your site and your market then you.
- Produce re-usable code and designs – we build only what is needed –, once and only once, reducing maintenance costs and the cost of future additional implementations should the site become successful.