Push Notifications are a well-known and utilized marketing tool to help with re-engagement of apps on a user’s device. These ads are also a significant revenue source for app developers and website owners as it allows them to monetize inactive users.

According to the Localytics Data Team, Push Notifications boosts app engagement by 88%. They also found 50% of users will opt into Push Notifications and find them beneficial to their user experience.

What is not as well known, is that all types of advertisers including brands, direct response, user acquisition, native and search content have utilized Push Notifications due to the high viewability, clicks and overall performance they provide. Push Notifications provide higher retention and engagements rates as well as assist in increasing overall ROI.

This format has traditionally worked extremely well for advertisers because it allows a user to view the ad and interact with it at their convenience.  Unlike traditional ads that disappear after a few seconds, or minutes, Push Notification ads allows the user to interact with the ad at their convenience. A push ad can reside in the notification tray for hours, so a user can view and interact with the ad when most convenient for them.

push notificationsTraditional display ads can only be seen when a user opens an app or visits a domain, but Push Notifications allow for incremental monetization opportunity to reach inactive users as the ads are displayed on the device itself.

There are many distribution versions available to display a push notification to a user. Most users may not realize this, as the user’s experience will remain the same for all versions of Push Notifications.

  • App Developers can deliver a Push Notification to their users via an SDK
  • Website owners deliver Push Notifications via the Chrome browser to a user’s device
  • Manufacturers (OEM) and Carriers (Telco) also send Push Notifications to their users